Happy New Year! We Are Roasting & Posting!

In the beautiful south west of

Western Australia

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Roasters of the

world's finest coffee

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So you can

Enjoy only the best.

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Espresso Blends Harmonious, well-rounded and balanced, with enough complexity for you to enjoy more than one attribute of each blend. Recommended for Stovetop, Aeropress or Domestic Espresso machines.

Single Origin Each with it's own unique taste. We let the best feature shine, highlighting flavour nuances so they can be enjoyed in its purest form. Recommended for plunger, perculator, drip filter, cold press and poured over a filter cone.

Organic and Fair Trade Our range of ethically sourced and certified Organic and Fairtrade coffee. Supplier's certifications include USDA Organic, Rainforest Alliance Certified, Certified Organic OCIA, UTZ Certified, ESALQ and Bird Friendly Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre.

Yallingup Coffee Roasting Company

Find out more about our Wholesale Service

Follow us on Instagram @yallingupcoffee